It has been established beyond any doubt whatsoever that smoking or chewing tobacco causes numerous fatal diseases including the dreadful Cancer. The remedy of “Smoking Habit” has a two-fold purpose : (1) To remove the dangerous after effects of tobacco smoking or chewing over several years. (2) To stop the craving for tobacco in any form and break the habit. The remedy acts most effectively under all conditions and is absolutely harmless in all other respects.
Rating: Not Rated Yet
MRP : ₨ 70.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 70.00

It has been established beyond any doubt whatsoever that smoking or chewing tobacco causes numerous fatal diseases including the dreadful Cancer. The remedy of “Smoking Habit” has a two-fold purpose : (1) To remove the dangerous after effects of tobacco smoking or chewing over several years. (2) To stop the craving for tobacco in any form and break the habit. The remedy acts most effectively under all conditions and is absolutely harmless in all other respects.


Dose : Two pills every time, to be dissolved on the tongue without water. A dose can be taken, if necessary, every 15 minutes according to the intensity of the craving.



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