RING WORM (Internal)

Only Homoeopathy can cure Ringworm with an internal remedy. Ringworm is a morbid effervescence of disease inside a person. Unless this inside disease is removed, the ringworm-like manifestation on the skin cannot stop. Only a Homoeopathic remedy can do this.
Rating: Not Rated Yet
MRP : ₨ 70.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 70.00

Only Homoeopathy can cure Ringworm with an internal remedy. Ringworm is a morbid effervescence of disease inside a person. Unless this inside disease is removed, the ringworm-like manifestation on the skin cannot stop. Only a Homoeopathic remedy can do this.


Dose: Adults: 4 pills for a dose, taken dry on the tongue. For Children under eight: 2 pills for a dose.



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