(Two Remedies) For the epidemic and contagious affection there is no other remedy in any system of medicine except in Homoeopathy. This is a specific in Mumps both preventive and curative. It has a remarkable record of success in curing the acute stage and preventing sequelae like orchitis, mastitis, meningo-encephalitis, otitis media, labyrinthitis, neuritis, etc. It removes pain like magic and takes away all the terrors of mumps. A great preventive remedy. Never failing.
Rating: Not Rated Yet
MRP : ₨ 70.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 70.00

(Two Remedies)

For the epidemic and contagious affection there is no other remedy in any system of medicine except in Homoeopathy. This is a specific in Mumps both preventive and curative. It has a remarkable record of success in curing the acute stage and preventing sequelae like orchitis, mastitis, meningo-encephalitis, otitis media, labyrinthitis, neuritis, etc. It removes pain like magic and takes away all the terrors of mumps. A great preventive remedy. Never failing.


Dose: Adults: 4 Pills for a single dose. Children: 2 pills for a single dose.  Alternate remedies as instructed.



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