(Two Remedies) A wonderfully effective blanket remedy for known and unknown fevers of the tropics. Specially indicated in Gastric fever, Catarrhal fever, Bilious fever, Enteric fever, Typhus fever, Hay fever, Adynamic fevers, Marshy fevers, Dengue fever, Gastrohepatic fevers, Malaria etc.
Rating: Not Rated Yet
MRP : ₨ 70.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 70.00

(Two Remedies)

A wonderfully effective blanket remedy for known and unknown fevers of the tropics. Specially indicated in Gastric fever, Catarrhal fever, Bilious fever, Enteric fever, Typhus fever, Hay fever, Adynamic fevers, Marshy fevers, Dengue fever, Gastrohepatic fevers, Malaria etc.


Dose: Adults: A dose is 4 pills, dissolved dry on the tongue. For Children under nine: 2 pills. Alternate remedies as instructed.



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