Most effective hair tonic in checking hair fall. Prevents early gray hair. Grows new hair. Gives glossy finish to hair. Cures Alopecia and helps early cases of baldness. As the hair is the end product of the human constitution. It is also necessary to treat the internal constitution with an internal remedy. For this purpose, both the Cosmic Hair Saver for External Application and the Cosmic Hair Saver for Internal Consumption have been provided.
Rating: Not Rated Yet
MRP : ₨ 100.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 100.00

Most effective hair tonic in checking hair fall. Prevents early gray hair. Grows new hair. Gives glossy finish to hair. Cures Alopecia and helps early cases of baldness. As the hair is the end product of the human constitution. It is also necessary to treat the internal constitution with an internal remedy. For this purpose, both the Cosmic Hair Saver for External Application and the Cosmic Hair Saver for Internal Consumption have been provided.


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