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ANGER Spl.Remedy

MRP : ₨ 120.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 120.00
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ANTHRAX Spl.Remedy

MRP : ₨ 120.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 120.00
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APHTHAE Spl Remedy

MRP : ₨ 120.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 120.00
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MRP : ₨ 70.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 70.00

(Two Remedies) Almost a specific in various influenzal fevers. In periodical epidemics it has been found remarkably effective not only in curing quickly the acute condition but also in preventing new attacks. Also prevents the sequelae after influenza.

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MRP : ₨ 70.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 70.00

(Two Remedies) A special organic remedy indicated in all cases of jaundice, whether congestive due to degeneration of liver cells; obstructive due to some external pressure; malignant jaundice, etc. Corrects the condition within a very short time leaving no distressing after effects.

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MRP : ₨ 70.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 70.00

(God in your pocket) For 100 Emergencies A monumental remedy which makes Homoeopathy immortal. Carry it in your pocket wherever you go. It will meet 100 emergencies. Sudden partial or total blindness after cold bathing, bad effects of excitement; palpitation; affections of heart; bad effects of fear and fright; fear of death. In acute and sub-acute diseases like: asthma, bronchitis catalepsy, chest affections, cholera, cholera infantum, cold convulsions, cough, croup, cystitis, dengue fever, dentition, diarrhoea, dropsy, dysentery, dysmenorrhoea, affections of the eye and ear, fever, glossitis, swollen glands, headache, strangulated piles, laryngitis, influenza, lumbago, pneumonia, neuralgia, inflammatory fevers, stiff neck and a hundred other inflammatory conditions causing tension, fear, anxiety, pain, restlessness, shivering, high-blood pressure, sinking feeling etc. The first remedy in all emergencies including a motor car accident.

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MRP : ₨ 120.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 120.00
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MRP : ₨ 120.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 120.00
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ASTHMA Spl Remedy

MRP : ₨ 120.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 120.00
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ATROPHY Spl Remedy

MRP : ₨ 120.00
Sales price without tax: ₨ 120.00
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